Sunday, February 28, 2010

so now I'm a Blogger.....

Well.....let's see how this goes.I am a lurker at so many wonderful blogs so I decided to de-lurk and try one of my own....just a little about me....

1.I am 58
2. I have 3 children
3.My oldest son went to be with the Lord 16 yrs ago at the age of 21
4. I am a retired pre-k teacher who now has a day-care.
5.I am a Christian but honor everyone's beliefs
6. I have 5 grand children including 12 year old identical twins
7. My 7th grand baby is due in 8 weeks husband has committed adultry more times than I care to admit. This blog will no doubt deal alot with that and why I don't leave.
9.I am a major fan of
10.I love the Ocean
11.More nest time

God's blessing to all!.....Karen