Saturday, August 7, 2010

Where is the Summer Going?

Seems like we all just celebrated Memorial day and now everyone is getting ready for Labor Day get togethers!WOW!Slow things down.....I of course will be heading for Bostpn over Labor Day Week-end.It has become my tradition since youngest son moved there about five years ago.Boston is where I go when I need to chill.Even if it's only an overnight trip and I don't even see my son and his family.Boston is my place to go to sort things out,see things in their proper perspective and to eat the best shrimp in the world....Of course now that babyT is here I'm sure I'll make no more secret trips to my favorite getaway. I could'nt go to Boston and not see this precious gift from God!

My oldest grandson,Addison started back to school last week in Georgia. He was more than ready to get back.We had him for a week this summer and it was great.

The local bunch of grandkids start back to school the day after Labor Day.My oldest ,Kelsey,is a SENIOR!.....The twins are thirteen now entering all advance courses in the 8th grade.Then there's 9 year old Isaiah going into 4th grade. I cannot gein to tell you the joy he brings to all who know him.He just is so gosh darn thoughtful and loveable.

The Day=care is going well and am now associated with the county/state.....more paper work but i am also notified when a child needs special day-care for a limited period of time and I like that. I like it alot!

Denise,Denise.My darling,darling friend.Her cancer diagnosis is very grim. Please hold her in your prayers.She is so brave yet so afraid of what the future will hold for her youngest(8) year old son.Her daughter is in her mid 20's with a family of her own and her sons Dad has started a whole new family.But God has a plan and on this we must lean.

Hope you are all enjoying this day that the Lord has given us!

Love and blessings!

1 comment:

  1. UPDATE ON MY GRANDSON ADDISON......please pray for him. He lives on an Army base near Savanah Georgia.For some reason he is being bused off base to school.It is an hr. to school and and hour home from school with children he does not know.My heart is breaking!Prayers please.....thanks...
