Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Most of the results are in. It appears to have been a large but contained mass. Her last mammogram was in May.Nothing was found which leads her onocologist to call it a very aggressive stage 2 cancer.
alhough it appears she is cancer free at this point.....they have decided to treat this very aggressively.Please pray for her.She has great faith and does not fear the unknown. She is however terrified that her youn son will lose his mothr.All prayers needed and appreciated....


  1. Oh I'm praying my friend.

    My sister's cancer is a rare cancer and out of 40 biopsies and a complete hysterectomy at the same time, only one biopsy came back positive in her pelvic area...thus reason for an aggressive chemo treatment plan even if no biopsies had come back was still recommended.

    My heart and prayers go out and up for dear Denise. God's hand is upon her!

    Love you,
